Drug Test Kit


Step-By-Step Instructions

Safety Services Management uses the MX908 Mass Spectrometer which identifies trace-level drugs in real time to include cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and over 2,000 analogs of fentanyl. 

Fentanyl is extremely lethal! At 100 to 10,000 times the strength of morphine, fentanyl is typically used in small quantities and is often combined with other street drugs, such as heroine, cocaine and ecstasy (MDMA). Even trace amounts that are invisible by the human eye can cause an overdose and a grain the size of salt can be deadly. If you have not received training on how to sample illicit drugs which includes wearing proper PPE’s, do not attempt without proper training. We are happy to provide you the needed training to keep you and your team safe.

Only test an area that you feel is safe. For example, you could test high touch points, employee equipment such as a vacuum handle or random surfaces to see if there is any contamination at your location.

Warning - Do not enter a potentially contaminated room if you are not properly trained!

High risk areas would include:

  • Visible unknown powders next to drug paraphernalia

  • Entering a room after someone has overdosed and died

Safety Services Management offers training courses on PPE’s, decontamination and sampling. To learn more about our training, please click here.

safety precautions and steps to take when collecting a sample

How to take a swab sample

Step 1

  • Gather 3 new pairs of clean disposable gloves.

  • Open envelope being careful to not drop the swabs or ziplock bags onto the ground or contaminated surface.

Step 2

  • Find a clean area to setup.

  • Place construction paper down to create a clean work area.

  • Place the zip lock bags on top of the construction paper.

Step 3

  • Remove the swab and hold the MX towards you so that you can read it.

  • With a sharpie, identify each swab by placing a different number or letter at the top of the swab above the MX letters.

Step 4

  • Lightly wipe swab 3 inches along a non-porous surface where you can not see visible product. Too much product or grime may ruin the swab.

  • Our testing equipment is extremely sensitive and will read levels of contamination that the human eye can not see.

Step 5

  • Place the swab into the small ziplock bag.

  • Replace your disposable gloves with new gloves and repeat step 4.

  • If you want to challenge the test, place an unused swabs into the ziplock bag. This is known as a blank and should return results that do not detect a product.

 Step 6

  • Once both swabs have been used and placed separately into each small ziplock bag, seal each bag and then place both sealed samples into the large ziplock bag and seal the large bag.

  • Keep a document for your own records where the swabs were used and if you used a blank swab.

Step 7

Step 8

  • Complete the below form