Enhanced Package - Everything in Essential + Trash and Hazard Removal

Sale Price:$1,200.00 Original Price:$2,400.00

Our comprehensive process begins with a detailed visual inspection, followed by testing multiple locations throughout the entire vehicle. Over 60 sample points, including the HVAC system, are analyzed for fentanyl, methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and other common illicit drugs using high-pressure mass spectrometry. Each step is meticulously documented with photos and accessible in real time through our app, keeping the agent fully informed throughout the process.

The Enhanced Package includes everything in the Essential Package, plus trash removal and a comprehensive hazard hunt to remove weapons and drug paraphernalia, such as syringes. We also inspect hidden compartments for additional hazards before releasing the vehicle to mechanics, body shops, or its owner, ensuring a fully safe and secure environment.

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Our services at the listed price are available exclusively within Portland and extends to areas within a 15-mile radius from the city. For locations outside of Portland or more than one vehicle, please contact us for pricing. Special pricing is set at 7 business days for service and report completion with results.